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It's On Us Movement


As we embark on this new school year, we want you to know that LFGSM has a renewed focus on the health and safety of all in our community. As a part of that, we are committed to being a part of the It’s On Us campaign.

It’s On Us is a growing movement focused on reframing sexual assault in a way that inspires everyone to see it as their responsibility to do something, big or small, to prevent it. We are asking everyone to create an environment where sexual assault is unacceptable and survivors are supported. As students, faculty, and administrators, it’s on us to make that happen.

The statistics on campus sexual assault are staggering – one in five women and one in sixteen men will be sexually assaulted during his or her time on campus. It’s time that we stand up and say no more to this epidemic. Change starts here.

That’s why here at LFGSM we are joining thousands of schools from around the country to become a part of the It’s On Us campaign to end campus sexual assault. We have a responsibility to shift the narrative around sexual assault and create an environment that supports survivors.

I urge all of you to visit to take the pledge and join the movement.

Thank you,

Bryan Watkins

VP & Chief Academic Officer

Lake Forest Graduate School of Management

1905 W. Field Court

Lake Forest, IL  60045



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