A brief summary of some of LFGSM's academic policies are provided below. Full, official policies on these and other topics can be found in the LFGSM Academic Catalog and Student Handbook. Policies excerpted here are for informational purposes only, and do not supersede those published in the Academic Catalog. LFGSM reserves the right to change the policies at any time.

General questions about any LFGSM academic policies can be directed to the Registrar's Office, registrar@lfgsm.edu, 847-574-5208.


Table of Contents

The LFGSM Leadership Model grounds our curriculum and approach to teaching. For over 70 years, LFGSM has been empowering working professionals with the tools to make a difference in their organizations and communities. We believe a leader is someone who inspires others, changes lives, and propels businesses forward. The LFGSM Leadership Model is the core of our degree programs and drives our curriculum and approach to teaching. In the business environment, professionals must be ready not only to adapt to change, but also to lead change.

A detailed description of the LFGSM Leadership Model and further information can be found here.


Academic Policies and Procedures

Attendance and Coursework Policy

Lake Forest Graduate School of Management regards class attendance as vital to academic success. All students are expected to actively participate each week in scheduled classes. Responsibility for class attendance, coursework and participation rests with the student. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor as soon as possible about any absence.  Students must still do any required work for the class, and are urged to attend an equivalent class at another time in order to maintain attendance. Missing more than two classes will result in the student being withdrawn from the course. The student is charged tuition according to the published Cancellation/Refund Policy. Please refer to the Tuition and Financial Aid sections for more information on the financial aid impact of non-attendance.

Definitions of Student Types

In-person students attend course offerings at the Lake Forest campus, or corporate onsite locations in the Chicagoland area. Videoconference students attend synchronous course offerings using videoconferencing tools.


If a student does not attend the first two class sessions for the first two weeks of the term, and does not respond to the school’s emails or phone calls, the school reserves the right to remove the student from the course. The student is charged for tuition according to the published Cancellation/Refund Policy. Please refer to the Tuition and Financial Aid sections for more information on the financial aid impact of non-attendance.

In-Person Students—Class Attendance Responsibilities

Students must notify their instructor in advance of an unavoidable absence due to personal or business reasons, and are responsible for obtaining approval for make-up options with their instructor. For details, see the Class Session Make-up Work section.

Students have the option to attend their missed in-person session in another class (if available), at the same location or at a different location (if available), or attend via videoconference, with instructor approval and with no attendance or participation penalty. In-person students, however, may not attend every class session of the term via videoconference.

If the in-person student does not attend an alternate class session or videoconference, the student is responsible for completing missed work that is equivalent in content and rigor for class participation credit, if the instructor determines make-up work to be appropriate.

In-person students will receive the grade they earned based on their completion of required coursework, class participation and contribution to learning. Participation in all courses is defined by the grading rubrics associated with the course.

Videoconference Students—Class Attendance Responsibilities

Students must notify their instructor in advance of an unavoidable absence due to personal or business reasons, and are responsible for obtaining approval for make-up options with their instructor. See Class Session Make-up Work section for details.

Students have the option to attend their missed session in another session either in person (if available) or via videoconference, with instructor approval and with no attendance or participation penalty.

If the student does not attend an alternate in-person or videoconference class session, the student is responsible for completing missed work equivalent in content and rigor for class participation credit, if the instructor determines make-up work to be appropriate.

Students will receive the grade they earned based on their completion of required coursework, class participation and contribution to learning. Participation in all courses is defined by the grading rubrics associated with the course.

Class Session Make-Up Work

If the student misses a class session, the instructor will determine appropriate make-up work. The make-up work shall require the student to demonstrate substantially the same level of knowledge or competence expected of a student who attended the scheduled class session.

Lake Forest Graduate School of Management uses a letter grading system for core and elective graduate degree courses. Academic performance is evaluated using the full range of grades A through F. Plus and minus modifiers are used at the instructor’s discretion; however, grades of A+, F+, and F– are not used. Students receive the grades they earn, without regard to tuition reimbursement or other grade point average minimum requirements.

Letter Grade


Numeric Range

A 100% – 96%
A- 95.9% – 93%
B+ 92.9% – 90%
B 89.9% – 87%
B- 86.9% – 84%
C+ 83.9% – 81%
C 80.9% – 78%
C- 77.9% – 75%
D+ 74.9% – 72%
D 71.9% – 69%
D- 68.9% – 66%

65.9% - 0%



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Honesty and integrity are the very foundation upon which any academic enterprise is based. Accordingly, to avoid plagiarism, LFGSM requires the proper citing of sources for all work submitted by students using American Psychological Association (APA) citation guidelines. All work must correctly identify the source of language and ideas, and embody the spirit of intellectual integrity valued by the School.

Plagiarism is defined as the presentation of words or ideas from an existing source as if it were the student’s work. A student must not adopt nor reproduce the ideas, words, or statements of another person or group without appropriate citation.

LFGSM considers submission of work done partially or entirely by another person or student group to be academic dishonesty. LFGSM further considers the resubmission of work produced for one course in a subsequent course without the permission of the subsequent course’s instructor to be academic dishonesty.

It is the student’s responsibility to seek clarification from the course instructor about how much help may be received in completing an assignment, exam, or project, and what sources may be used. The instructor must notify the student and the Dean of Faculty and Degree Programs or Vice President and Chief Academic Officer when plagiarism or academic dishonesty is suspected. Appropriate steps will be taken to determine whether plagiarism or academic dishonesty has occurred. Students found guilty of plagiarism or academic dishonesty shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the School.

LFGSM complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. Documentation of the student’s disability and its effect on his/her course participation must be submitted to the Director of Student Services. Any student with special needs or difficulties in learning and/or in completing course requirements should notify the instructor immediately so that available and reasonable accommodations can be arranged. It is the student’s responsibility to disclose his/her accommodation request with the instructor and discuss the necessary arrangements. Assistance with these arrangements can be facilitated with the help of Student Services upon request.

Contact Student Services:
Currie Gasche, Director of Student Services
847-574-5158, cgasche@lfgsm.edu

Lake Forest Graduate School of Management (LFGSM) is committed to providing a non-discriminatory and harassment-free educational and working environment for all members of the LFGSM community, including students, faculty, administrators, staff, and visitors. In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, LFGSM prohibits all forms of sexual or gender-based harassment, discrimination or misconduct, including sexual violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Misconduct of this nature is contrary to LFGSM’s institutional values and prohibited by state and federal law.

LFGSM encourages the prompt reporting of any incident of sexual or gender-based misconduct to local law enforcement and to LFGSM’s Title IX Coordinator using the complaint procedure described in our policy. This means that anyone that is either a victim or a witness of sexual or gender-based misconduct must report the incident. The full institutional policy on Title IX can be found at https://business.lfgsm.edu/title-ix/.

Persons with inquiries concerning the application of Title IX, or persons wishing to report a Title IX incident or complaint may contact LFGSM’s Title IX Coordinator:

Currie Augustine
Title IX Coordinator
(847) 574-5158
1905 W. Field Ct.
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Anonymous report: titleixcomplaints@lfgsm.edu

Additional resources can be found at https://my.lfgsm.edu/ics/Help/Policies/TitleIX/

Annual FERPA Policy All information provided to LFGSM is kept confidential in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (Public Law 93-380). Except as required by law, no information regarding attendance, grades or any other aspect of students’ academic standing will be released to any third party without written student consent. The records are maintained for five years after graduation or at least six years after a student’s last day of attendance.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202-5920, concerning any alleged failure by the College to comply with FERPA.